This week’s question:
What Brings You Joy?
Here are my top 20 things that bring me joy every week:
20. A pocket full of buttons, polly pocket shoes, wad of playdough, a marble, red gems, a beetle (poor thing), a broken popsicle stick, and a few other assorted items I pick up off of the floor throughout the day.
19. Chalk hearts and flowers on my sidewalk
18. Two extra loads of laundry…one beach towels, and one mud covered clothes
17. Buckets of toads I must set free at the end of each night
16. Painted handprints on my faucets.
15. An older boy running to help a toddler after she fell
14. Three school age boys dressed up in fairy and princess outfits, trying to conquer the world
13. My big boy helper, refilling soap dispensers
12. Dirty little toes dangling from the picnic table
11. The mound of perfectly rolled little clay balls I found under the art table
10. Listening to a “big” kid read Toad on the Road to a “little” kid in the cozy area, for the third time
9. Sprinklers and watermelon on a hot day
8. Having a child who’s just putting sentences together say “Bless you again” after I sneezed a second time.
7. Seeing two children in conflict come to a solution without me interjecting. Rock-paper- scissors always works for me too!
6. The baby doll I found snuggled up in MY bed under the covers.
5. Listening to a normally very quiet and shy little girl rock out to “I love rock ‘n roll” on the pretend microphone
4. The baby looking like an angel when he is sleeping, his hands tucked up under his cheek
3. Hearing “I wuv you Minna” for the hundredth time…it never gets old!
2. Kisses blown goodbye
1. Turning around after closing the door on Friday afternoon, completely exhausted, to see the tornado that blew through my house this week, and the mess I still have to clean up, but realizing how lucky I am to have such wonderful children in my life, how much I love this job, and that I get to do it all over again on Monday.
Melinda lives in Upstate New York and is owner of her home based program, Mountaintop Family Childcare.
She has been a family child care provider for over 18 years and worked with children for over 27 years. Her program offers relationship based care that includes many aspects of farm life and nature/forest school with PLAY at the center of all they do. She firmly believes in slowing down childhood and allowing children to develop at their own pace.
Melinda believes family childcare programs offer unique settings that have much to offer to the early learning world. She strongly supports family providers in keeping a home like atmosphere in their programs. Backed by research, she continuously advocates for children’s right to play.
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This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:
Lissadell Greene Stephanie Goloway
Lagina Kozak Michelle Hankins
Marie Messinger Tamara L. Lakin
Jen Flemming Lizz Nolasco Anuradha Badri
Susan Warner Kelly Sigalove Shawn Wolf
Vittoria Jimerson Codee Gilbert Wendy Tedford
Monica Morrell Pam Soloman Melissa Franklin
Teresa Watson Erika Felt Autumn Peele
Melissa Taylor Jahmeela Robinson
Amber Maurina Terra Calamari Anne Jackson
Lagina Kozak Samantha Yeager-Cheevers
Elizebeth McCoy Sammy Cousens Ellen Cogan
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Thanks To Our Patrons
This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:
Lissadell Greene Stephanie Goloway
Lagina Kozak Michelle Hankins
Marie Messinger Tamara L. Lakin
Jen Flemming Lizz Nolasco Anuradha Badri
Susan Warner Kelly Sigalove Shawn Wolf
Vittoria Jimerson Codee Gilbert Wendy Tedford
Monica Morrell Pam Soloman Melissa Franklin
Teresa Watson Erika Felt Autumn Peele
Melissa Taylor Jahmeela Robinson
Amber Maurina Terra Calamari Anne Jackson
Lagina Kozak Samantha Yeager-Cheevers
Elizebeth McCoy Sammy Cousens Ellen Cogan
In-Person And Online Training
Learn how to book an in-person or online training for your organization on these early learning topics.
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I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees
by linking to Amazon.com and affiliate sites.
Thanks To Our Patrons
This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:
Lissadell Greene Stephanie Goloway
Lagina Kozak Michelle Hankins
Marie Messinger Tamara L. Lakin
Jen Flemming Lizz Nolasco Anuradha Badri
Susan Warner Kelly Sigalove Shawn Wolf
Vittoria Jimerson Codee Gilbert Wendy Tedford
Monica Morrell Pam Soloman Melissa Franklin
Teresa Watson Erika Felt Autumn Peele
Melissa Taylor Jahmeela Robinson
Amber Maurina Terra Calamari Anne Jackson
Lagina Kozak Samantha Yeager-Cheevers
Elizebeth McCoy Sammy Cousens Ellen Cogan
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