

Here’s an overview of the early learning information and resources Playvolution HQ offers. The site has had new content added daily since it was founded in 2018, and there’s still plenty of growing to do. To create order and simplify browsing, the following 16 content areas house most of the site’s 11,000+ pages. Below, you’ll find an overview of each of those areas. You can, of course, also search for what you’re looking for.

Overview of Playvolution HQ


Browse, search, and fill your ear holes with our ever-growing collection of over 1850 early learning podcast episodes.


A growing collection of free PDF handouts intended to help caregivers and early learning advocates share ideas and information quickly and concisely.

Early Learning Glossary

This glossary provides caregivers and early learning advocates with an overview of terms and phrases used in the profession, information on important people in the field, and links to related resources.


This collection of 3300+ quotes started as a series of Facebook posts. I started collecting them here for easy searching and browsing as time passed. A new one is added each day.

Reading List

Here’s a reading list of recommended titles for early learning professionals and parents interested in children, caregiving, play, development, and related topics.


With a focus on user-friendliness, I’ve created a collection of early learning forms–from fire drill logs to running record observation forms–that will help make the job easier.

Loose Parts

With this never-ending project, I’m creating an extensive collection of loose parts ideas caregivers can browse and search for ideas and inspiration for augmenting their play space’s loose parts supply.

Policy And Procedures

This area is full of resources that’ll assist you in understanding, creating, implementing, and maintaining early learning policies and procedures, including articles, critiques, handouts, and forms.

DIY Projects

DIY projects offer children a chance to practice STEM skills and hone social, physical, cognitive, and language skills. These projects provide meaningful and memorable hands-on experiences.

Caregiver Self-Care

For consistent effectiveness, professional caregivers and parents must make time for self-care. This collection of posts looks at self-care, stress, change, habits, and more.


This corner of Playvolution HQ offers curated and original articles focused on Play.

Early Learning Posters

For the most part, these free early learning posters started out as images created for social media posts.

Professional Practice

These posts provide an overview of professional practice and advocacy for child-led learning. Professional caregivers and parents will find many ideas for working with children and advocating on their behalf.

Development And Learning

This collection of posts looks at child development and the ways children learn. There’s lots of good information for professional caregivers and parents interested in these topics.

Folk And Fairy Tales

Be warned; these are traditional stories–some readers may find the language, themes, and topics distasteful.

Rhymes And Songs

Over 350 primarily classic old-school rhymes and songs. I add content to this collection weekly.


I also offer professional development related to play and caregiver self-care at my Explorations Early Learning site. Here’s an overview of the live and on-demand offerings. These trainings are pre-approved professional development in NE, IL, MO, WI, MI, and OK, and they are accepted in many other locations.

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