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Free Form | Play Environment Action Plan

Play Environment Action Plan


Use this Play Environment Action Plan to help you plan changes to your play environment. Making change is difficult. This form can help you organize your thoughts and make a plan–making change a little easier.

Using The Play Environment Action Plan


In this box, your goal for your play environment. Keep it simple, clear, and doable. Some examples: “provide a wider variety of blocks”, “remove the kitchen set from the dramatic play area, so the kids have more space, or “reduce the number of transitions in the morning schedule”.


Next, list the resources needed to accomplish your goal. The things you need may be tangible, like more blocks or someone to haul away the kitchen set, or intangible, like schedule-change-buy-in from coworkers and the program’s director.

Taking the time to make an accurate and complete list will reduce surprises as you move head with your plan.

Action Steps

Now, list the specific steps needed to accomplish your goal.

For example, “get approval to add more types of blocks”, “acquire funding for additional blocks”, “have kids help pick out new blocks”, “order new blocks”, and “add new blocks to block area”. For each action step, set a realistic start date and deadline. These dates will give you a timeline for your goal. Try to stick to them, knowing they can be adjusted as needed.

The form has room for six steps. You can list more on the back of the sheet if required, but if your goal requires more than six steps, you might want to consider breaking it up into multiple goals.

For example, the action steps outlined above for adding more blocks may be too simple. In reality, getting approval to add more blocks may be one goal, acquiring funding may be another, and selecting/ordering the blocks a third–each with its own action steps.

The Play Environment Action Plan PDF

Here’s the free PDF–ready for downloading:


Implementing change can be difficult–the uncertainty of it is unsettling and there never seems to be enough time, energy, or resources. The Play Environment Action Plan form is an organizational tool we hope helps you arrange your thoughts and move ahead, so your goals become accomplishments.

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Jeff Johnson

Jeff Johnson is an early learning trainer, podcaster, and author who founded Explorations Early Learning, Playvolution HQ, and Play Haven.

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One response to “Free Form | Play Environment Action Plan”

  1. hiba Avatar

    It was a good training and I learned a lot of things that I hadn’t thought of.

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