Ah, the mild-mannered clipboard. Seemingly unimpressive alone, clipboards are actually early learning superheroes when paired with paper and all sorts of mark making devices. Clipboards untether writing from tables and desks, making it possible to write in the sandbox, next to the water play table, in the block area, and everywhere else one may want to jot a thought, pen a poem, or paint a portrait.
OK, so maybe clipboards aren’t superheroes. No X-ray vision, no invisibility, no super hearing–but they do make useful loose parts. Loading them with paper and setting them free to roam about your early learning setting is a great way to help kids bump into more opportunities to write, draw, and express themselves.
Tips For Clipboards
Here a couple clipboard tips to consider:
- Consider Size. In the programs I ran back in the day, we found that kids often preferred a small clipboard because they were easier to handle. The favorite size was just perfect for holding half sheets of standard copy paper. We had larger sizes available for drawing and painting, but the smaller ones were the go-to for general play.
- Home Base. Consider having a home base for your clipboards, so kids know where to find them when they need them and where to return them when they are done.
- Free Range. Make sure kids know that the clipboards are free to roam and can be used whatever they’re needed. Creating too many rules gets confusing and makes them a less- loose part.
- Board Manager. Have a child in your program that always wants to help? Give them the title of Clipboard Manager and let them know it’s their job to keep the boards stocked with paper and maybe wipe the mud and paint off them when they get messy.

When given the freedom to roam, clipboards will be used for everything from keeping score during kid-created games, to writing prescriptions for sick kittens, to STEM play investigations.
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Jeff Johnson is an early learning trainer, podcaster, and author who founded Explorations Early Learning, Playvolution HQ, and Play Haven.
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This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:
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Lagina Kozak Michelle Hankins
Marie Messinger Tamara L. Lakin
Jen Flemming Lizz Nolasco Anuradha Badri
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Vittoria Jimerson Codee Gilbert Wendy Tedford
Monica Morrell Pam Soloman Melissa Franklin
Teresa Watson Erika Felt Autumn Peele
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This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:
Lissadell Greene Stephanie Goloway
Lagina Kozak Michelle Hankins
Marie Messinger Tamara L. Lakin
Jen Flemming Lizz Nolasco Anuradha Badri
Susan Warner Kelly Sigalove Shawn Wolf
Vittoria Jimerson Codee Gilbert Wendy Tedford
Monica Morrell Pam Soloman Melissa Franklin
Teresa Watson Erika Felt Autumn Peele
Melissa Taylor Jahmeela Robinson
Amber Maurina Terra Calamari Anne Jackson
Lagina Kozak Samantha Yeager-Cheevers
Elizebeth McCoy Sammy Cousens Ellen Cogan
In-Person And Online Training
Learn how to book an in-person or online training for your organization on these early learning topics.
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I participate in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees
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Thanks To Our Patrons
This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:
Lissadell Greene Stephanie Goloway
Lagina Kozak Michelle Hankins
Marie Messinger Tamara L. Lakin
Jen Flemming Lizz Nolasco Anuradha Badri
Susan Warner Kelly Sigalove Shawn Wolf
Vittoria Jimerson Codee Gilbert Wendy Tedford
Monica Morrell Pam Soloman Melissa Franklin
Teresa Watson Erika Felt Autumn Peele
Melissa Taylor Jahmeela Robinson
Amber Maurina Terra Calamari Anne Jackson
Lagina Kozak Samantha Yeager-Cheevers
Elizebeth McCoy Sammy Cousens Ellen Cogan
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