An Authentic Childhood

When I think of my childhood I think of many words. I am very privileged to have had a childhood like I did. Because, even back in the 80s, our childhoods were slowly changing from climbing trees and mud puddles to worksheets and calendar time. From twirling in circles and rolling in the grass to concrete and desk sitting. From messy and smelly to clean and antiseptic. From loud and challenging to quiet and conforming.

And now the shift is nearly complete. And childhoods are not authentic anymore. And there is a race to see who can grow up first and fastest. And it doesn’t matter if the mental and emotional health of our children is jeopardized because the tests will show that the children are making progress. And parents are proud when their 3-year-old can read and their 6-year-old can multiply. But then not understand why they have to drag them to the car in their pajamas across the garage floor or pull over to the side of the road when their child tries to jump from the moving vehicle on the way to kindergarten. And not understand why their child has to receive special help in reading because they don’t know their ABCs when they are 5.

I can help you. This story is about my child. It really is. But it could be about the children in your house. Or the children in your class. Or the children in your community. When we know better, we do better. When we know what to fight for, we can fight for it.

Are you ready to fight for an authentic childhood for the children in your life?

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