The concept of sensitive periods is a foundational principle of Maria Montessori’s early learning philosophy. According to Montessori, the term sensitive periods describe windows of time in which an inner compulsion drives children toward specific activities or interests. During these times, children can learn specific skills and concepts with more ease than at other times.
Montessori’s 11 Sensitive Periods
- Movement (Birth to 2.5 years) coordinating and controlling the body
- Language (Birth to 6 years) developing vocabulary and communication skills
- Order (1 to 4 years) interest in routine, repetition, and consistency
- Small Objects (1 to 4 years) fascination with small objects and details
- Sensations (1 to 6 years) interest in exploring (and exploring with) the senses
- Emotional Control (2 to 6 years) interest in relationships and the behaviors that govern them
- Music (2 to 6 years) an interest in developing musical skill
- Math Patterns (2 to 6 years) building an understanding of mathematical concepts
- Reading (3 to 5 years) interest in the printed representation of sounds and words
- Writing (3 to 5 years) interest in mark-making, especially letters and numbers
- Spatial Relationships (4 to 6 years) interest and understanding of the surrounding space
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