Perspectives | About


The goal of the Perspectives project is to collect the thoughts, insights, stories, musing, and perspectives of a wide variety of early learning professionals in video and audio formats and share them with parents and caregivers as tools for personal reflection, information, and growth.

Make a Video or Audio Submission

Videos can be uploaded here.

Recording Notes

  • Keep it short—submissions should be no longer than 3.5 minutes. Through trial and error we’ve found this is the sweet spot for this project.
  • Make videos landscape—if you’re recording video with a smartphone or tablet, make sure your device is rotated like this:

not this:

  • Tell a story—Make sure your recording has a Beginning (set the stage), Middle (something happens), and End (resolution is reached)
  • Share your world—To date, most of our episodes have been ‘talking head’ type videos. That doesn’t have to be the case for your submission. Share a Cool Thing from your program, demonstrate how to make your favorite sensory play concoction, or talk to a peer.
  • Give it time—We’ve learned that creating recordings like this can be hard. It’s scary. People tend to hate the way they look and sound. Relax, know others feel this way, and practice a bit. After a few takes you’ll probably be more comfortable with the process.
  • Check the archive—Need ideas or inspiration? Check out past episodes of Perspectives.
  • Format it–Submissions must be in .mp4 video format.


You can contact us with questions.

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Jeff A Johnson

Jeff Johnson is an early learning trainer, podcaster, and author who founded Explorations Early Learning, Playvolution HQ, and Play Haven.

In-Person And Online Training

Learn how to book an in-person or online training for your organization on these early learning topics.

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Thanks To Our Patrons

This post was made possible by patrons like these, who generously fund our work:


Lissadell Greene      Stephanie Goloway

Lagina Kozak      Michelle Hankins

Marie Messinger   Tamara L. Lakin


Jen Flemming      Lizz Nolasco

Susan Warner      Kelly Sigalove

Vittoria Jimerson      Codee Gilbert

Monica Morrell      Pam Soloman      Melissa Franklin

Teresa Watson      Erika Felt     Autumn Peele

Melissa Taylor      Jahmeela Robinson

Amber Maurina      Terra Calamari     Anne Jackson

Lagina Kozak      Samantha Yeager-Cheevers

Elizebeth McCoy      Sammy Cousens      Ellen Cogan

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