I’m often asked “What ages do you care for? You must only have older children!” or “How to you manage to keep the babies out of the art area or from ripping the shelves apart?”
Truth is, I don’t.
Sure, I do A LOT of modeling and some redirection. But how else are children going to learn without EXPERIENCE?!
While some programs may focus on more developmentally inappropriate standards such as teacher directed themes, lame crafts the children don’t have say in, or worrying about whether your toddler can recite sight words in 6 languages, we’ll be spending the next few weeks getting to know our space, and each other.
From transitioning to a table from a highchair, to moving from a crib to a cot, to not throwing sand or rice in our friends faces, to not eating paint or playdough, to learning how to drink from an open cup….my job is to support your child in learning how the world works. That includes cleaning up the messes. To not want to do those things seems ludicrous to me. I mean, I wouldn’t work at an ice cream shop and refuse to make milkshakes, or work at a dentist office and refuse to clean your teeth.
I was recently asked again how many times I sweep the floor in one day, and my answer is always the same.
As many times as I need to.
(originally published on Facebook 09/07/2017)
Melinda lives in Upstate New York and is owner of her home based program, Mountaintop Family Childcare.
She has been a family child care provider for over 18 years and worked with children for over 27 years. Her program offers relationship based care that includes many aspects of farm life and nature/forest school with PLAY at the center of all they do. She firmly believes in slowing down childhood and allowing children to develop at their own pace.
Melinda believes family childcare programs offer unique settings that have much to offer to the early learning world. She strongly supports family providers in keeping a home like atmosphere in their programs. Backed by research, she continuously advocates for children’s right to play.
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