They’re cute, they come in handy if you have to reach something on a high shelf, and kids who fall out of them don’t fall too far, but beware the preschool chair–they are the worst. Why? Because kids sit in them…and sit…and sit.
Why Beware The Preschool Chair?
They sit to eat, they sit to color, and they sit to role play dough into tiny balls and long snakes. They sit while mesmerized by screens, lectured by teachers, and bored by worksheets. They sit for hours every day–a 2015 study reports kids around the world sit for about 8.5 hours every day.‘>2
Mike Huber, the author of Embracing Rough-and-Tumble Play, writes:
“I believe that children under the age of eight should be moving their bodies more often than sitting still during their waking hours. Most of us wouldn’t think of stopping a baby from trying to pull themselves up to standing because we know that is how the baby will learn to stand and walk. But we frequently stop toddlers, preschoolers, and first and second-graders from moving because we are busy “teaching” them. All children need to be moving.”,P00218‘>4, and kids are already sitting or sleeping for 16 or more hours a day.
Note: Lisa Murphy and I talk about why we should beware the preschool chair in episode 421 of the Child Care Bar and Grill Podcast.
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Jeff Johnson is an early learning trainer, podcaster, and author who founded Explorations Early Learning, Playvolution HQ, and Play Haven.
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